If you want to know more about the main concept of finding your “Why”, and how powerful it is for staying on track with weight loss, check out the first part of this series, Discovering Your “Why” Part 1- The Strongest Motivation for Weight Loss.
But this article specifically focuses on the motivation that parents have for reaching their weight loss goals, when thinking of their children.
So many people that I have spoken with have expressed how important it is that they get in shape for a multitude of reasons concerning their children.
Carrying around a lot of excess weight can sometimes prevent you from living the type of life that you want with your kids, and sometimes even concern you that you wouldn’t be able to share enough years with them without making a change for the better.
Although losing weight for your kids is an excellent and specific motivator, I suggest getting even more specific and developing a very clear and exciting vision of what your future could look like with your children after you have successfully transformed your health and body.
Physically able to keep up with your kids
One of the specific weight loss visions that I hear from people is that they want to be able to play a game of baseball with their kids.
They want to just be able to grab the bat and ball, head to the park, and have a day of fun without having to sit on the sideline.
In some cases it may be that you want to be able to keep up and not get tired so fast, and in other cases it may be that you actually are unable to do something that you would like, such as hiking, sledding, or riding a roller coaster.
All of these amazing experiences are right around the corner, and are dreams that can easily come true with consistent healthy eating and exercise.
Confidence to take your kids in public
Some people find themselves in a situation where it’s not just a matter of not being able to do highly active things, it’s a matter of trying to get out of the house at all, physically and emotionally.
Maybe it’s just a few places that you avoid such as the swimming pool, but you may also find it nerve wracking to go in public in general when you are not feeling good about yourself and it’s hard to move.
It’s tough when this affects only you, but it’s got to be really hard when you feel that your weight might be holding back your loved ones from experiencing the world as well.
Getting out to experience more things and meet new people out in public is an exciting thing to look forward to both with reference to yourself and your children’s daily lives.
On the other side of successful weight loss is a more breezy life where you can simply go out and enjoy a day out on the town with your children without so much physical or mental stress.
Making sure you are here to stay
One of the greatest concerns that could arise from being an overweight parent, is the worry that your condition may lead to less years spent with children and other loved ones.
That’s when things get really serious for a lot of people, when their next child or grandchild is born and the possibility of not being around comes to mind.
If you find yourself in this situation don’t let this thought overwhelm you and hold you back. Let a clear and exciting image of a healthy life develop, and let the constant thought of it drive you forward until you have reached your ideal weight.
Setting a healthy example
The transformation of you habits and the inspiration that arises from your body transformation will set an example and tradition of healthy eating in your household.
Your success can potentially teach your kids to live a healthy life forever, without ever having to struggle against unhealthy eating habits or weight issues.
Tips for parents of any size to get in shape
Focus on adding more nutritious, natural, and whole foods into yours and your family’s diet.
Cutting back on unhealthy things is also important, but it can’t happen without a healthy replacement and so simply focus on bringing in the good food, and the bad food will be pushed out naturally.
Don’t try to be perfect or make giant overnight changes. Make improvements in steps that you and your family can handle and stick with, and keep stepping up your game until the big picture of your habits have completely changed.
Find healthy foods that you actually like, and take a little time to experiment in the kitchen with different flavors and cooking techniques. You truly can build a diet that you enjoy and that leads you to your weight loss goal at the same time!
When you are comfortable, add exercise into the mix to amplify your results. Dedicate to 15 minutes of exercise for 3 times per week… and when paired with your healthy diet you will be amazed at how fast you will be losing weight without being hungry.
Remember to remember your “Why”. Keep it close to your heart and use it whenever you are having a hard time moving forward. Let your the thought of your dream guide you directly to living that dream for real.
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This is part 2 in the discovering your why series. Here are the rest of the parts in the series:
Part 1- The Strongest Motivation for Weight Loss
Part 2- For your children
Part 4- For love and attraction
Part 5- For improved physical ability