Failing or struggling with weight loss is something that can happen to anyone, no matter how good their plan is or how motivated they were in the beginning. Every time that I have failed to lose weight in the past has had very little to do with my diet plan, and had everything to do with giving in and giving up.
It’s frustrating and a little embarrassing to start a new healthy diet every Monday… and “fail” by Friday, only to start it all again the next week.
However if you are taking the time to read this, you may be ready to finally make this time count and to spend a little time getting into a positive mindset that will keep you motivated until you have reached your goals. If you can connect to these ideas and keep them with you your journey will be much easier and more meaningful.
Believe in yourself
We often start our journey with great confidence in what we want and in our ability to get there, but then begin to doubt ourselves on several different levels.
We doubt our ability to lose weight, our diet plan, and worst of all we begin to doubt whether weight loss will make us happy in the first place. Each of these can be crippling all by themselves, and we often experience them all at the same time.
Sometimes these doubtful notions are consciously thought of, but most of the time they silently chip away at our confidence and affect our decisions without our knowing.
Luckily, preventing these harmful thoughts is as simple as being aware of them, and having a strong foundation to relate back to when in doubt.
If you give in to cravings for junk food here and there, you can certainly blame it on the fact that it was simply delicious and that you couldn’t resist, but when you slowly give up you are likely losing sight of, or confidence in, what you truly want.
In these times, relate back to how you felt when you wanted to lose weight the most, and the reason that drove that feeling (which we will get a clear picture of at the end of this article).
You can lose weight, and you will if you take action and have confidence in what you learn. Most importantly, do not lose sight of the fact that being fit and healthy will bring you happiness.
Know what to realistically expect
We all know weight loss takes a long time, but not everyone sets goals that play fair with this notion. We nod and say “yep, it’s going to be a while”, but then we step on the scale twice per day and say “WTF!”
Do not simply know that weight loss takes time, be okay with it and adjust your more immediate expectations accordingly. Fluctuations over the period of a day or two on the scale and in the mirror will almost always have more to do with food and water than fat loss.
You may know that water weight will change what the scale reads, but a lack of it may even make you bloated and make you feel like you are gaining weight.
Tracking these small fluctuations can be very confusing and can ruin your confidence, and so I suggest using a week as a good time-frame to indicate change.
This may mean weighing yourself less, which can be harder than you think. Put your scale somewhere that makes it hard to get to, such as in a room you rarely visit.
For validation during the week, relate back to the healthy decisions you have made and have confidence that they are carrying you towards your goals, and watch the mirror much more than the scale.
So I have suggested using a week to indicate change, but how long does it really take to get in the best shape of your life?
Anyone will tell you that there is no definite answer, but I will tell you that if you are very overweight like I was, you should get comfortable with the general idea of working on your goals for a full year if you have around 100 pounds to lose.
If you have less weight to lose or plan to push harder… then it will obviously not take you as long.
We so often hear that people want to lose lots of weight within a few months, and though this does happen the expectation can sometimes set us up for failure.
Whether it takes you three months or a year to reshape your body, you will experience the benefits and happiness that weight loss brings all along the way. After only weeks or a month you will start to feel better and others will notice, and this will only continue to happen as you lose more weight.
Understanding what’s important to you
Living longer, prevention or reversal of disease, looking younger, being more active with your kids, look better, better sex life, having more energy, strength, speed…
The lists of benefits after weight loss goes on, which in a way is great, but it does nothing to help us focus on what is really important to us.
When faced with a hard decision, your mind needs a much better reason to make the healthy choice than, “I’m trying to lose weight.”
Losing weight is much easier and more meaningful when you have a clear idea of what you want the most, and therefore why you are doing what you are.
Each of us has our own unique reason for wanting to get in shape, and though we may share many of the same underlying reasons… we each have our own unique story, set of circumstances, and desires that only we feel the true power of.
So what is it that makes you want to get in shape the most? Take a moment to think about it, and be honest about what you truly want to the most.
Consider the many benefits you may have thought and read about, and let the one that is most important to you stand out. What is it that continually seems to inspire you and make you want to better yourself?
You may find that you already know exactly what you want the most, and perhaps you think about it all of the time already, but the key is to let all of the other noise take a back seat to this desire.
In times of doubt, when your head is going in circles, remember what you want the most and remember that your hard work is leading you directly to it.
Holding this thought close to you can be more powerful than you may imagine. Recalling this deeply envisioned desire can help you to make healthy choices without question, which is exactly what I do to help me make good decisions consistently.
I admit that much of my strongest motivation is related to aesthetics. Though I have come to appreciate the health benefits of weight loss more and more, let’s face it, I have been fat my whole life and I want to look good. That’s how it started for me, and that’s how I will continue to drive myself the whole way.
Remember to stop doubtful thoughts just as soon as they come by relating to what is most important to you, and remember that you are in it for the long game. Your hard work will lead to success and happiness.
To start your weight loss journey, try the 8-Week Weight Loss Challenge, which will help you reach your weight goals one step at a time.