There are many amazing things that happen when you lose weight, and therefore many reasons to start your weight loss journey. Thinking about these weight loss rewards will give you lots of motivation to start losing weight, or to stay on track, and so today I am going to tell you about 100 amazing things that happen when you lose weight.
You can look forward to enjoying many of these truly incredible benefits that weight loss can bring.
Having a better body
#1 Having a flat stomach
#2 Having a thinner, more attractive face
#3 Not having your thigh fat rubbing together when you walk
#4 Getting rid of your man boobs
#5 Getting rid of your love handles
#6 Not having a double chin
#7 Not having jiggly arms
#8 Not having puffy arms
#9 Looking fit
#10 Looking muscular
#11 Stop sweating so much
#12 Not having people “squeeze by” when they pass you
Wearing smaller clothes
#13 Buying new smaller clothes
#14 Fitting into your old smaller clothes
#15 Wearing smaller clothes everywhere you go
#16 Fitting in smaller shirts
#17 Fitting in smaller pants
#18 Not having to buy clothes with “Extra” in the size
#19 Not having to buy clothes with “W” in the waist size
#20 Not having to wear elastic waistbands
#21 Having a waist that is smaller than your butt
#22 Having pants that stay up
#23 No more broken buttons and zippers
#24 Looking good in a swimsuit
#25 To be able to wear any style of clothing
Having confidence
#26 Feeling good and looking good in your clothes
#27 Having more confidence in general
#28 Feeling comfortable in pictures
#29 Saying yes to pool parties
#30 Feeling more confident in your professional life
#31 No more feeling self-conscious when eating with others
#32 Not turning down opportunities because you feel bad about your weight
#33 To prove to yourself that you can finally do it
#34 Proving that you can do anything in life
#35 Showing the whole world what you are capable of
Having a better love life
#36 Being attractive, and getting noticed
#37 Having more confidence on dates
#38 Having the confidence to get dates in the first place
#39 Making your crush feel nervous, and not just the other way around
#40 Being more flirty whether you want a date or not
#41 Having more room to cuddle on the couch
#42 Being able to fit your arms around her, and for women having him be able to fit his arms around you
#43 Being able to be carried off to bed
#44 Looking good with your clothes off
#45 Leaving the lights on when you get lucky
#46 For your wife or husband
#47 For your future wife or husband
#48 Being able to wear your wedding rings again
#49 To look better than your sister at her own wedding
Feeling good!
#50 To have your most recent picture be the best picture, and not be tempted to send your crush an old picture
#51 Being proud about how you look in the mirror
#52 Look younger
#53 Feel younger
#54 Simply being happier
#55 Not worrying about breaking things, and not having to read the weight limit before you use stools and ladders
#56 Your high weight not being the first thing that people notice about you
#57 Seeing people’s reaction to your transformation
#58 Seeing your before and after pictures
#59 Surprising everyone at your class reunion
#60 Seeing the look on your doctor’s face
#61 Not being addicted to food anymore
#62 Craving healthy foods instead of junk food
#63 To feel proud of what is in your grocery cart
#64 Living a healthy lifestyle that makes you proud
#65 Having more physical energy
#66 More mental energy
#67 Sleeping better, feeling more comfortable at night, and waking up more refreshed
#68 Being the fit friend, not the fat friend
#69 Being able to inspire and teach other people to get healthy and lose weight
Keeping up with the kids
#70 Having energy to keep up with your kids in general throughout the day
#71 Being able to play sports with your kids
#72 Being able to catch your kids when they start running
#73 Setting a healthy example for your kids
Being able to do what you want in life
#74 Being able to ride roller coasters
#75 Having fun at water parks
#76 Being able to walk around the theme park all day
#77 To be able to do a 5K
#78 To be able to do any type of exercise
#79 To be able to ride a horse or a bike
#80 To be able to go skydiving or bungee jumping
#81 Fitting better into airline seats and cars
#82 Being able to tour the world
#83 Being able to hike and explore nature
#84 Being adventurous and feeling capable of anything
#85 Being able to easily bend over and tie your shoes
#86 Getting up and down from the floor easily
#87 Being able to climb stairs easily
#88 Doing house work and yard work much more easily
#89 Being able to fit in narrow places
#90 Being able to run for your life
#91 Being able to be carried if you get hurt
#92 Being able to jog again
#93 Not having to take breaks when you walk
#94 Being able to go on long, peaceful walks
Being healthier
#95 Having less pain in your feet, ankles, and knees
#96 Having better blood circulation, and lower blood pressure
#97 Being able to breathe more easily
#98 Stabilizing your insulin levels
#99 Living a longer life
Do it for yourself
#100 Do it for you!