Welcome to Weight Loss Journey!
If you have been wanting to start down the path of losing weight and getting in the best shape of your life, Weight Loss Journey is the perfect way to embark upon the most amazing transformation of your life!
On your journey, you will transform yourself in a series of gradual steps that will help you start eating healthy and exercising consistently:
1 night of preparation
7 days of new habits
8 weeks of healthy living
Consistently maintaining the healthy changes that are needed to lose weight can often be hard, because people usually try to change everything in a single day.
When you read the stories of people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off, including myself, you’ll notice that most of them didn’t simply decide to wake up the following morning with a perfect diet and exercise routine… they usually made changes in gradual steps.
When you dedicate to making consistent improvements at a pace that you can confidently maintain, then your success becomes certain, and you realize that amazing things are right around the corner!
When you follow the path of Weight Loss Journey you will have the luxury of making gradual, step by step changes, while still having the structure of a defined weight loss plan.
If you can spend 1 night preparing for your success, you’ll be able to spend 7 days building healthy new habits… and if you can make it for 7 days, then you can successfully lose weight for 8 weeks.
Once you prove to yourself that you can make it 8 weeks… you’ll know that you have what it takes to carry on your newly built habits indefinitely!
The 7-day / 8-week challenges each have a series of gradual steps within them, which will allow you to make improvements without needing to go through the stress of trying to change your habits in a single day.
I hope that you are excited to make today the first day of a new healthy lifestyle, and to start along the path of reaching your weight loss and fitness goals!
This journey is broken down into a series of steps that you can take one at a time, so you’ll be able to get comfortable with the healthy improvements that you make, and healthy eating/exercise will become natural habits that you can stick with until you have reached your weight goal.
When does your journey start?
Your journey begins right now, today!
Losing weight is one of those things that is easy to put off day after day, and to say that you will start on Monday over and over again… but the first important step in your journey is to decisively say that you will start transforming yourself today.
Don’t worry if you don’t feel completely prepared to start losing weight right now, because the first day of the journey IS a day for preparation.
Tomorrow you will really start making changes, but today or this evening you’ll get a few things in order so that you’re ready to hit the ground running.
What to expect along the way?
The journey begins with preparation day. You’ll take one day to prepare yourself to start eating healthy and exercising. You will make sure that you have healthy food to get started, choose an exercise that you like, and get mentally prepared to be consistent with your efforts, and undergo a major transformation.
The day after preparation, you’ll start the 7-day challenge, which is the perfect way to kick off your weight loss journey and start a habit of eating healthy and exercising consistently. The 7-Day challenge will help you start experiencing weight loss success right away, and give you a short, exciting, manageable goal to work towards.
After you finish strong with the 7-Day challenge, you’ll begin your 8-week challenge, which will help you bring more and more healthy foods into your daily routine step by step, and ultimately help you build the permanent habits that you need to lose a large amount of weight.
If you can decide today to prepare for tomorrow, you’ll set yourself up for success in the next 7 days, and if you can make it 7 days you can make it 8 weeks… And if you can make it 8 weeks you can make it the whole way, no matter how big your goal is.
Are you ready? Start your journey below. I can’t wait to see the lighter, slimmer, stronger you!
Day 1- Preparing for weight loss
7-Day Weight Weight Loss Challenge
8-Week Weight Loss Challenge
Your transformation, and the journey that you are embarking upon are very important to me, so if you have any questions about your losing weight, the weight loss challenges, or just want a bit of encouragement, please feel free to email me at corey@theshapewithin.com. I am very happy to help!