Finding good weight loss tips for obese people can be hard, because not everyone knows what it’s like to be obese.
Below are weight loss tips for obese people specifically. If you want more tips that will tell you how to lose healthy weight in general, check out my top 3 tips or my top 10 tips. But if you have lots of weight to lose and have a long weight loss journey ahead of you, these obese weight loss tips will be perfect for you.
When I was at my heaviest I didn’t like to think of myself as being obese, but I was, and I came to find that losing a large amount of weight is a whole different thing than “losing a few pounds.”
Losing lots of weight comes with amazing rewards. The more you weigh at the beginning of your weight loss journey, the more significant and plentiful the rewards will be from transforming your body.
Lots of people who are obese think that losing weight is going to be harder because they are bigger. If you’re obese it may take a bit longer but being bigger doesn’t mean that getting rid of fat is going to be more difficult… and actually I believe it’s the other way around!
The bigger you are, the more opportunity you have for change, and the faster you can expect to drop pounds every day/week. The worse your diet is currently, the more excess calories you can cut by switching to a healthy diet, and the less you exercise right now, the more that changing your exercise habits will make an impact as well.
It may take longer, but it doesn’t have to be harder
Just because it may take a bit longer to reach your end goal, doesn’t mean that needs to make things more difficult for you.
Obese weight loss doesn’t need to be any more difficult than everyone else’s weight loss journey… once you get your routine going and start seeing results, losing lots of weight is simply a matter of repeating what you are already doing and stepping up your efforts as you improve your routine and approach your goals.
The beauty of a healthy and sustainable diet, is that it becomes a natural part of your lifestyle after a few months or more, which means that not only do you not have to struggle even though you may have a year-long journey ahead of you, but it also means that when considering life-long habits… everyone’s journey is about the same length no matter the weight they have to lose.
When you don’t think of your healthy routine as a temporary thing that you are trying to endure to reach your goal, but rather a normal part of your life that will always keep you healthy, you’ll see that how long it takes to reach your ideal weight isn’t something that needs to intimidate you, and especially doesn’t need to prevent you from taking action at all.
Your physical ability doesn’t have to limit your results
If your weight or size makes it hard to move in ways that you want to or makes it difficult to sustain exercise for very long, don’t let it discourage you or make you feel like you will have to sacrifice your results at all.
It’s not about how many reps you can do, how far you can run, or even how long you work out. It’s all about the quality of your workout, and how hard you work your body.
When you are obese, it is easy to get a good burn during your workout… to raise your heart rate, to work your muscles, and to make a significant change in your activity level.
It’s actually people who are in great shape who have an increasingly difficult time making a difference. People in great shape have to make bigger and bigger change for less and less results, but those who have lots of weight to lose have the advantage of being able to get huge results with smaller changes.
Lots of people think that jogging is the ultimate fat burning exercise, and that if jogging is too difficult that they won’t be able to lose weight as fast as they could otherwise.
But jogging isn’t even among the top fat burning exercises, so don’t give it a second thought if jogging isn’t your thing.
I used to feel bad that I couldn’t jog without knee and foot pain, but I found plenty of other better workouts to do when I was losing weight.
Even now that I am in much better shape and find jogging much easier, I still take advantage of better and more enjoyable exercises most of the time.
One of the best and most undervalued workouts for fat loss, is actually lifting weights.
Many people think that lifting weights is only for gaining muscle, but resistance exercise (exercise that works your muscles) is actually incredible for burning fat not just during your workout, but also for an extended period of up to 2 days after your workout, so long as you work hard enough.
Bad eating habits leave tons of room for change
It’s likely that the diet that has led you to your current shape is extremely unhealthy, but the worse your diet is now the more opportunity you have for making big changes, and cutting lots of excess, unneeded calories.
Transitioning to a diet of whole, natural, healthy foods will make an even bigger difference when you are starting from a very unhealthy point.
Foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are extremely filling and satisfying, but low in calories, and so when you eat more and more of these foods your daily calories consumption goes way down without having to suffer hunger.
You can remain in a calorie deficit all day and night and be happy and full at the same time!
Bigger people lose weight faster
When you look at varying weight loss transformations from other people, you’ll see that the more weight you have to lose in the first place, the faster you’ll lose weight, especially in the beginning of your journey.
The amount of weight that you lose is fairly proportionate to how overweight you are, and so if you have 100 pounds or more to lose, you’ll lose weight much faster than someone who has 20 pounds to lose.
If you have multiple hundreds of pounds to lose, you’ll lose weight even faster than someone who is 100 pounds overweight.
You will also lose weight much faster at the beginning of your journey, and so you’ll see that your body makes a very quick and significant change in a short amount of time.
No matter how much you currently weight, the best fat loss results come from both eating healthy AND exercising.
There is so much to look forward to along the way
It sounds so cliché to say, “it’s about the journey, not the destination.” When it comes to weight loss let’s face it we are looking forward to our destination, but the thing is that when you are obese, there are many destinations along the way… many levels of transformations that you get to go through far before you reach your end goal.
Once you start seeing a major change in your weight, size, and shape, you will begin to thoroughly enjoy all of the rewards that come as you lose 5 pounds, then 10, and then 20, and so on.
Every time you go down a shirt size feels like a whole new you, and every time you are able to do something you couldn’t before feels like you have changed your life completely. These things happen many times over, so look forward to all of the new versions of you that will come before the ultimate vision/version of you.
It’s not going to take forever
So maybe you’re not in a position to get a summer body in 3 months… but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to have to wait all that long to see huge results and reach your ideal weight. First of all, being bigger means going through a bigger transformation, or as I like to think of it… a series of transformations. You will be able to enjoy having become a smaller size several times over, which means that you will get to enjoy your new body long before your goal weight.
Even if you take a year to lose 100 pounds, 1 year isn’t all that long when you compare it to living the rest of your life healthier and happier, and also considering that it probably took a lot longer than 1 year to put the weight on.
With a significant transformation, you’ll notice that after you are on the right track with the right method, that it becomes less about the end goal and more about the fact that you are on your way there at a pace that will take you the whole way.
To start your weight loss journey the healthy way, try the 8-Week Weight Loss Challenge! It’s a program specifically meant for long-term, significant weight loss. It will help you lose weight and change your eating habits step by step.
Learn more about it here or sign up below to get your free PDF copy.